Let's try to open our eyes just a little more this week. Can we truly be present to the Christ in those around us? How might we lean in to love and listen more and more each day?
Eucharistic Adoration
March 17, 4:00 - 9:00 PM
St. Edmund Church
Draw closer to the Lord, this Lent through the silence of Eucharistic Adoration.
Mondays 3/17, 3/24, 3/31 and 4/7
Lenten Evening of Reflection and Prayer
March 18, 7:00 PM
McDonough Hall, St. Giles
Lean into Love
MaryAnn Coulter from Braver Angels will lead us in reflection on practicing deep listening and connection in a divided world. She will be focusing on "Leaning in to Love" and practicing depolarization.
Healing Prayer, Healing Song
March 20, 7:30 PM
Ascension Church
Gather with us as we lift up our hearts and voices in song and prayer for the healing of our world, its peoples and ourselves. We pray for all impacted by illnesses of body mind and spirit. We pray for caretakers. We pray for the healing of our fragile earth. We pray for all impacted by racism, poverty, homophobia and the trauma of physical violence, gun violence, and war.
Stations of the Cross
March 21, 7:00 PM
St. Catherine–St. Lucy Church
Stations of the Cross will be followed by a time of prayer, praise and Eucharistic Adoration, led by the Praise Choir of St. Catherine-St. Lucy and St. Giles Parish.