The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is initiating a three year revival of devotion and faith The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is initiating a three-year grassroots revival of devotion and faith.
Renew My Church Parish Configuration A letter from Fr. Carl Morello, Fr. John McGivern and Fr. Rex Pillai to the Oak Park Parishes
Join us via Livestream for Mass! Follow this link for a schedule of which weekend Mass will be livestreamed and for a link to our YouTube Channel.
Praying for an End to Gun Violence We invite you to pray with us for an end to senseless gun violence.
Check out this article in Chicago Catholic highlighting the excellent work of our community gardeners!
Pope Francis at Urbi et orbi On March 27, 2020, Pope Francis offered a rare and beautiful prayer service. Read the transcript of his meditation.
Resources from the Archdiocese of Chicago The archdiocese continues to update its website with resources. Here you will be linked directly to their website.