Confirmation for Adults
Adult Confirmation Preparation
Ascension and St. Edmund Parish as the need arises provides a process for adults wishing to be prepared for Confirmation. Adults must be baptized Catholic and have received their First Communion as well as are regularly attending Mass. Materials will be provided; a fee is associated with the program.
To schedule an initial one-on-one interview (necessary prior to starting the sessions) please contact the Ascension Parish Office at 708-848-2703.
Catholic adults who are practicing the faith and who have received their First Communion, but who have never been confirmed are invited to participate in the Archdiocesan Adult Confirmation program. Preparation classes and celebrations of Confirmation take place in several areas of the Archdiocese each year.
If you are an adult, 19 years of age or older, who received your First Communion, regularly attends Mass, but was never confirmed, this process is for you!
To find out more, please go the the website for the Archdiocese of Chicago.