Liturgical Ministries » Children's Liturgy of the Word

Children's Liturgy of the Word

Have you heard the Good News? Calling children (and Adults!) to Children's Liturgy of the Word!
Sunday, September 8 -- Liturgy for children ages 4-8 during 10:30am Mass
Sunday, September 22 -- Liturgy for children ages 4-8 during 10:30am Mass 

To find out more and to register, please contact JaneAnne [email protected] or Laura [email protected]


Leaders who guide our weekly Children's Liturgy of the Word provide children ages 4-8 an opportunity to experience the Liturgy of the Word in a context more suited to their age and experience. Children hear the Scripture, sing the Psalm, and participate in a dialogue homily which allows greater access and understanding of the Word of God.
Age requirement: High school or older.
Commitment: Typically once each month. Volunteers sign up 3-4 months in advance.
We have two volunteer positions at each Mass. A leader and a reader. Children's Liturgy of the Word takes place on the above dates at the 10:30 AM Mass. Please contact us to volunteer or learn more.
JaneAnne Campbell [email protected] or Laura [email protected]